Business Automation

Historical Events Database Management Application


The application allows users to search decade and decades-old events, news by keywords, date, or personality/event associated with a single click. Which makes the application one of the largest historical databases online.



  1. Integration with multiple tools - Skype for an auto log of Sales/Issues - Application Insights for application monitoring - Leads tools for image processing
  2. Improved overall performance of application - By Reducing DB trip, Maintaining frequently used data in Caching, Session, and SEO - Implemented unity of work, Repository Pattern. Dependency injection (Ninject/structural) Facebook & Google + integration.
  3. Third-party tool for image processing jpeg / JSON & Html creation.(Abby, lead tool, Stanford NLP, Ghost Script & Kakadu)


MS (C#, MVC, Web API) Front End : HTML5, AMP, Ajax, jQuery, CSS3

3rd Party API's

Recurly/ Google API/ PDF Viewer Integration/ SOLR/ CDN/ SendGrid/ Lead Tools/ Sharing on Social Media

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